Wildlife Conservation
As the Managing Director of Nile River Explorers, I would like to thank everyone who has rafted with us and supported events that have helped us raise funds for wildlife conservation in Uganda.
Over the years incredibly well attended fundraising efforts have included raft races and GMFER days where funds have been raised specifically for wildlife conservation in Uganda. To date we have raised over USD $100,000 for various reputable wildlife conservation bodies in Uganda, they include, The Ugandan Wildlife Authority, Rhino Fund Uganda, Ngamba Island Chimp Sanctuary and Uganda Conservation Foundation.
Hope to see you on this fantastic river sometime.
Jon Dahl
Global March for Elephants & Rhino's
Elephants and rhinos face the biggest crisis in their millions of years on Earth – the fight for survival. They are being pushed ever closer to the brink of extinction by the worst poaching onslaught ever – all for greed fed by the illegal wildlife trade worth billions of dollars.
Ivory Belongs to Elephants
"Devote yourself to an idea, go make it happen, struggle on it and overcome your fears, you will achieve your goal. I am determined to walk and change the world. The East Africa Walk is a great opportunity to reach out to different people in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda with the ivory belongs to elephants message."
Jim Justus Nyamu.
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